Pamela has an extensive 35+ years in unemployment and human resources. Her career started in New Mexico as a hearing officer and then directing unemployment claims programs and providing HR consulting to the New Mexico Hospital Association, the Cleveland Hospital Association, and the Colorado Hospital Association (20 years). Most recently, Pamela served 100+ clients from various industries as the primary contact for the unemployment program and other contracted services through Equifax. Pamela holds a BA in Spanish (minor in Education) from the State University of New York at Potsdam. Remaining a member of the Colorado Healthcare Association for Human Resource Management (CHAHRM) for 25+ years, she served many leadership roles (President, Legislative Liaison, and Programs Chair). Additionally served on the Advocacy and Annual Meeting committees for the American Society for HealthCare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA). Pamela has received 6 national awards from ASHHRA, 5 outstanding chapter contribution awards, and one outstanding chapter officer award. Pamela is a very approachable person and communicates the intricacies of the business with ease. She is truly a team player and considers herself a partner to clients. Her personal interests include outdoor activities, scuba diving and singing. She is a member of Skyline Chorus, a premier chorus of Sweet Adelines International.